विवाह के पश्चात् यही विचार दिमाग में आता है कि अब वंश वृद्धि की तरफ अग्रसर होना है। सदैव यही सोच घूमती रहती है कि लड़का होगा या लड़की होगी। इस सोच का समाधान कुंडली से किया जा सकता है। कुंडली में कुछ ऐसे योग होते है जिनसे ज्ञात हो जाता है कि प्रथम संतान लड़का होगा या लड़की होगी।
- यदि पांचवें भाव में नीच राशि का बृहस्पति हो तो तीन पुत्र होने की सम्भावना होती है।
- यदि पांचवें भाव में पुरुष राशि अथवा पुरुष राशि का नवांश हो अथवा पंचमेश पर पुरुष ग्रह का प्रभाव हो तो पुत्रों की संख्या अधिक होती है।
- यदि बृहस्पति ,मंगल ,सूर्य व पांचवें भाव का स्वामी , चारों ही पुरुष राशि या पुरुष नवांश में में हो तो पुत्र अधिक होते है।
- यदि पांचवें भाव में पाप ग्रह हो तथा पाप ग्रह की दृष्टि हो तो पुत्र होते है।
- यदि दूसरे भाव में मंगल हो तो पहले गर्भपात होता है तथा दूसरा लड़का होता है।
- यदि पहले भाव में राहु , पांचवे भाव में गुरु , तथा नवें में शनि हो तो ६ पुत्रों का योग होता है।
- यदि वृष राशि में अथवा मिथुन राशि में शनि हो तो एक पुत्र होता है।
- यदि पांचवें भाव में सूर्य हो तो एक पुत्र , मंगल हो तो तीन , तथा बृहस्पति हो तो पञ्च पुत्र का योग होता है.
- यदि पांचवें भाव में सूर्य शुभ ग्रहों से दृष्ट हो तो तीन पुत्र होते है।
- यदि पांचवें भाव में मकर राशि में चन्द्रमा अथवा शुक्र हो तो लड़की होती है।
- यदि बृहस्पति पांचवें भाव में उच्च राशि अर्थात कर्क राशि का हो तो कन्या संतान होती है।
- पांचवें भाव का स्वामी होकर बुध पांचवें भाव में ही बैठा हो तो तीन कन्या होती है।
- पांचवें भाव में चन्द्र तथा तीसरे भाव में बली बुध हो तो पांच पुत्रियों का योग होता है।
- यदि पांचवें भाव में चन्द्र हो तो दो, बुध हो तो तीन , शुक्र हो तो पांच या शनि हो तो पांच से अधिक लड़कियां होती है।
- यदि ग्यारहवें भाव में बुध, शुक्र, अथवा चन्द्र हो तो दो पुत्रियों का योग होता है।
- यदि पांचवें भाव में बुध अथवा चन्द्र हो तो दो पुत्रियां होती है।
Look at the
horoscope - the boy will be born or the girl?
After marriage, this idea comes to mind that now it is going to move forward towards the growth of the lineage. It always goes on thinking that there will be a boy or a girl. This thinking can be resolved through the horoscope. There are some yogas in the horoscope that it is known that the first child will be a boy or a girl.
After marriage, this idea comes to mind that now it is going to move forward towards the growth of the lineage. It always goes on thinking that there will be a boy or a girl. This thinking can be resolved through the horoscope. There are some yogas in the horoscope that it is known that the first child will be a boy or a girl.
If there is a low
price of Jupiter in the fifth house then there is the possibility of having
three sons.
If there is a person's male or male person in the fifth house or the male influence, or the fifth planet has influence of male planet then the number of sons is greater.
If there is a person's male or male person in the fifth house or the male influence, or the fifth planet has influence of male planet then the number of sons is greater.
If the lord of
Jupiter, Mars, Sun and fifth house is in all four male zodiac or male in ninth,
then the son is more.
If there is sin in the fifth house and the sight of the sinful planet, then there is a son.
If there is a marsupial in the second house, then there is a miscarriage and the other is a boy.
If there is a Rahu in the first house, Jupiter in the fifth house and Saturn in the ninth, then there is the sum of 6 sons.
If there is a son in Taurus or Gemini, then there is a son.
If there is sun in the fifth house then there is a son, if it is three, and if it is Jupiter, then there is the sum of five sons.
If the Sun is in sight in the fifth house with auspicious planets then there are three sons.
If there is sin in the fifth house and the sight of the sinful planet, then there is a son.
If there is a marsupial in the second house, then there is a miscarriage and the other is a boy.
If there is a Rahu in the first house, Jupiter in the fifth house and Saturn in the ninth, then there is the sum of 6 sons.
If there is a son in Taurus or Gemini, then there is a son.
If there is sun in the fifth house then there is a son, if it is three, and if it is Jupiter, then there is the sum of five sons.
If the Sun is in sight in the fifth house with auspicious planets then there are three sons.
If there is moon
or Venus in Capricorn in the fifth house then the girl is there.
If Jupiter is in the fifth house, it means that there is a high amount of cancer, there is a female child.
Being the owner of the fifth house, Mercury is sitting in the fifth house, there are three daughters.
If there is a moon in the fifth house and in the third house, then there is a sum of five daughters.
If there is a moon in the fifth house, then two, Mercury is three, if Venus is five or Saturn, then there are more than five girls.
If the eleventh price is Mercury, Venus, or Moon, then there is the sum of two daughters.
If there is a mercury or moon in the fifth house, then there are two daughters.
If Jupiter is in the fifth house, it means that there is a high amount of cancer, there is a female child.
Being the owner of the fifth house, Mercury is sitting in the fifth house, there are three daughters.
If there is a moon in the fifth house and in the third house, then there is a sum of five daughters.
If there is a moon in the fifth house, then two, Mercury is three, if Venus is five or Saturn, then there are more than five girls.
If the eleventh price is Mercury, Venus, or Moon, then there is the sum of two daughters.
If there is a mercury or moon in the fifth house, then there are two daughters.